First Leg, or One-Step -Backward......
Ever the gadget-man, Bernie has been watching the temperature in the attic and the snow in the yard at home via his webcam in the attic window, looks like plenty of snow again.So we can't use the snow-seeking excuse for why we came west before retracing our steps and flying back east to get to India next week. Not to mention the folly of adding 3 hours to the jetlag tally.
So we will provide the best reason of all; we did this to and fro hop to spend time with family. First with Nath and Greg, we had four fun days in Canmore, got out skiing twice. The first time was a bit sticky, the second was screamingly fast, absolutely leg quivering when we got to the bottom. Bernie did a spectacular head-over-skis face-plant, luckily it was in the open because in the trees it could have been disastrous (and we have had many people speculating on the madness of going skiing before we leave Canada; travelling through India on crutches would be a drag). The third day we couldn't get to where we wanted to ski because they were bombing to set off avalanches on two of the roads out of town. Huge amounts came down even though it is months earlier than they usually have to do this.
As usual Greg was getting constant calls for blocked drains and Bernie was being invited along - charming way to spend your holidays - mind you it might acclimatise him to the smells of India. The bonus was when Greg did a routine grease trap clearance in a restaurant and they gave the four of us a free meal. No-one complained about that job!
Now we are in Golden and enjoying time with Rio. He is obsessed with vehicles and machines and tools, bruuuuuum all day long. He has a Black and Decker workbench with all the gear, benchpress, chopsaw, the works. Oh boy.

We have been sitting under valley cloud for the last few days now it is clear and cold. Planning to get out skiing again this afternoon, it will be eye-watering.....but the snow is perfect. It will be quite a contrast to go from the monochrome of snow covered, grey sky landscapes to the colours of the sub-continent.
Yesterday we treated ourselves to a trip to the hot springs in Radium. They are my favourite springs in the Mountain Parks because when you sit with your back to the buildings there is just a cliff and rocks and trees in front of you so it feels like you really are in a natural pool. Yesterday was particularly beautiful with the steam rising off the pool you couldn't see anyone else so it was like having the place to yourself and the steam condensing on the trees made a magical snow scene. (No photos though because the lens would just fog up!)
Rio just loved it, he is so fearless in water we had our hands full catching him as he launched himself off the ledge again and again.
Today is a more normal day......Bernie and Caimin are fixing the car.....Tessa is doing massages and I'm babysitting. Nap has just ended so time to post this and get back on duty.
[Bernie] You should have seen Rio when he came out as we were finishing the job on the car (replacing back window). He headed straight for Daddy's toolkit and one after the other they all came out and were investigated in detail. Caimin put a headlight on him and he looked just like one of the team. Easy to see what's in his future, along with many other activities I'm sure. And he's going to be Handy as well as Handsome!
Hi guys, sounds like you are having a wonderful time with family. Yes, Bernie's camera is right, lots more snow here. Up on the hill with the snow shoes this week. Beautiful picture of Rio in the snow. He definitely is taking after his father and grandfather. Have a safe flight and looking forward to your reports. Cheers J&M
ReplyDeleteWhat a handsome little guy Rio is! Sounds like you are having lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteI would have gone skiing, too. Stands to reason: if you haven't broken anything skiing so far, why do it now; being seasoned and sensible and all that?
The feathered friends have adapted. One of them laid a 1.5 cm diameter egg yesterday. Is there a return policy?
House is doing fine as are the majority of the plants. Basil and one seedling would have preferred warmer temperatures, I think.
Finally spotted cranky kitty. He is going to demand some serious cosseting and cuddling. Very put out he is! Hasn't affected the appetite at all though.
Looking fwd to updates and pics.
Kerry & Shawn
Well, I would have thought you would be spending time in the sauna, acclimatising to heat & humidity.
ReplyDeleteI think I am correct in assuming you are now heading for the sub continent, Hope the journey goes well.
Hi Mary and Bernie, I expect you are well on your way to India by now, may have even arrived. I hope all the travelling hasn't left you too jet-lagged. Glad you enjoyed a few days with family in the snow. All we have here is rain, rain and more rain!!. Look forward to reading your accounts as the days go on. Have fun!!!. Love from Gilly and Paul